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Ministery of Higher Education

Ministery of Higher Education in Erbil

Salahaddin University

University of Sulaimani

Koya University

University of Kurdistan

Communication and Network

Course 1:
Total hours:
45 theory + 30 practice.

Aim of the subject:

study the principles and application of computer networking.

Subjects Names:

Part 1: Fundamental of data communication & networking.

  1. Definition of network.
  2. Evolution of computer network.
  3. Broadcast and point to point networks.
  4. Centralized and distributed processing.
  5. Network classification.
Part 2: Computer network protocols.
  1. Definition of protocols.
  2. Element of protocols.
  3. The open system interconnection Reference model.
  4. The Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP).
  5. Asynchronous versus synchronous transmission.
  6. Digital and analog signaling.
  7. Multiplexing techniques.
  8. Transmission medium.
  9. Data link control protocol.
  10. Error detection code.
  11. Flow control procedure.
    • Stop & wait flow control.
    • Sliding window flow control.
  12. Data link protocols: HDLC, PPP, etc…
Part 3: Wide area networks.
  1. Switching technologies.
  2. Circuit switching.
  3. Packet switching technologies.
  4. Connectionless (datagrams) packet-switched networks.
  5. Connection-oriented (virtual circuit) Packet-switched networks, X.25
  6. Fast packet switching technologies (Frame relay, Asynchronous Transfer Mode).
Part 4: Local area network.
  1. Characteristics of LAN’s.
  2. LAN topologies.
  3. LAN transmission media.
  4. LAN hardware components.
  5. LAN Medium Access Methods.
    • Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection.
    • Token Ring.
  6. IEEE 802.3: CSMA/CD (Ethernet).
  7. IEEE 802.5: Token Ring.
  8. FDDI.
  9. Gigabit Ethernet.
Part 5: Internet working.
  1. LAN segmentation.
    • Bridges.
    • Switches.
    • Routers
  2. Network layer routing.
  3. Survey of routing algorithms (RIP, OSPF, IGRP, …)
Course 2:
Total hours:
18 theory + 18 practice.

Aim of the subject:

study the principles and application of computer networking.

Subjects Names:

Part 1: Network Layer in the internet.

  1. IP address.
  2. Subnets.
  3. IP protocol.
  4. IP datagram.
  5. Address resolution protocols
  6. Internet control message protocol.
  7. PING command utility.
  8. Tracert command utility.
Part 2: Transport Layer.
  1. Connection oriented and connectionless protocols.
  2. Port and sockets.
  3. Multiplexing and demultiplexing.
  4. Transmission control protocol TCP.
  5. User datagram protocol UDP.
Part 3: Network application.
  1. Introduction
  2. Client-Server applications
  3. Domain name services.
  4. E-mail, FTP, and TELNET.
  5. WWW-based applications.
  1. Computer Networks, by Andrew S. Tanenbaum,
  2. Understanding the Network: A Practical Guide to Internetworking , by Michael Martin .
University of Dohuk, Dohuk City, Kurdistan Region - Iraq
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